Friday, December 18, 2009

Recipe Index

Animal Cracker Soup
Instructions on how to lasso lions and tigers on page....?

French Cutlets
Study a Hanable Lector handbook on the different ways to creep up on a Frenchman then prepare cutlets accordingly.

Brown Betty
Armed with a couple of bottles of Parisian essence grab Betty in a choke hold, wrestle her to the kitchen floor, then starting with the feet.....

Apple Charlotte
Take one large apple and place it on Charlotte's head. Load a crossbow with a razor sharp hunting arrow, take aim, release.....Oh Shit.....

Shepherd's Pie
Warning No. 1
Under no circumstances attempt entry into a woolly jumbucks paddock if they have Alpaca's on guard duty. Those bastards are vicious and they bite like shit.
Warning No. 2
Proceed with caution once you have the shepherd in your site. Carefully stalk with all the cunning you can muster. If the shepherd attempts to lunge at you armed with his crook run for your life the hell out of there as a shepherds crook has been known to cause near fatal injuries.
.....Right about now you may want to consider changing your menu.....In this type of situation it would be my advice.

Potage Bonne Femme
(Good Wife Soup) be continued

It's a Bold Venture

This Web Log is dedicated to all those who thought I was only eighteen bob in the pound.

Love from Charlie